CWA 17815 from the CNE/CENELEC Now Open to Public Discussion!

2024-09-20T09:15:35+00:0031 May, 2024|

ELODIZ are proud to announce that the CWA 17815:2021 from the CNE/CENELEC is now open to public discussion. The European NanoMECommons project, funded by Horizon 2020 (GA 952869), is building a network of researchers and innovators to tackle the challenge of characterizing nanomaterials across various industries. The focus lies on developing standardised and reliable [...]

Webinar Alert! Raman Goes Industry

2024-09-20T09:18:49+00:0016 May, 2024|

ELODIZ are taking part in a CHARISMA H2020 webinar regarding challenges in assuring the harmonisation of data response of devices from different manufactures and devices with different configurations. This 90-minute webinar aims to introduce the real-life industry-based uses of Raman and demonstrate how the CHARISMA project contributes to finding the effective solutions for data [...]

ELODIZ at RSC Molecular Spectroscopy for Disease Diagnostics meeting

2024-09-20T09:17:16+00:0026 April, 2024|

We are looking forward to taking part in the RSC Molecular Spectroscopy for Disease Diagnostics meeting at Burlington House, London next month. We are excited to provide some insights on how our instruments and Raman spectroscopy techniques can be applied for disease diagnostics. The registration is open until 13 May 2024 so still time [...]

ELODIZ to exhibit at Pittcon® 2023 in Philadelphia, PA, USA (Booth 2142)

2024-04-29T08:49:32+00:0016 January, 2023|

From March 18 to March 22, 2023, ELODIZ will be at Pittcon - the world’s leading annual conference and exposition on laboratory science. Exhibiting at Pittcon for the first time we will showcase our recently developed compact multi-channel Raman spectrometers and accessories. Pittcon is a dynamic, transnational conference and exposition on laboratory science, a [...]

Upcoming Webinar Alert

2024-04-29T08:34:19+00:0030 September, 2022|

Join us for a webinar coming up on 8 November 2022. This webinar is organised by Gambica and is free to register. It will be presented by our Managing Director Dr Enrique Lozano Diz and will discuss the various existing spectroscopy standards, their correlation and correct use in regulated environments as well as recent [...]

ELODIZ at Analytica, Munich 21-24 June 2022

2024-04-29T08:44:38+00:0029 April, 2022|

Analytica is the largest international trade for laboratory technology, analysis and biotechnology as well as their users in research and industry. It is where well-known suppliers of laboratory equipment and manufacturers of analytical devices from around the world present their latest products and technologies. The fair is held in conjunction with the analytica conference, [...]

CHARISMA Project – new video

2024-04-29T08:48:33+00:001 March, 2022|

ELODIZ is one of the partners and integral contributors on the EU-founded consortium CHARISMA - a technology leader for the revision and creation of European standards in Raman spectroscopy for industrial applications. The H2020CHARISMA Project involves professionals from large companies, regulation, small and medium enterprises, and academia. All partners continuously engage in numerous research [...]

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